Call +44(0) 792 0779652

We are not only a Nanny Agency who help to find you your new Nanny role ...
Nannies, this is just for you!
We are a Nanny Agency who like to see you as an individual and understand the struggles you often face, in a career which can sometimes be lonely and you thrive upon meeting similar individuals, like yourself.
As a Nanny Agency, we also place Adhoc Event & Wedding Nannies.
We thought it was about time our Nanny Agency placed on some events, just for you!
Nanny Event Feedback
Nanny Feedback, September 2022
“Learnt new activities with various materials"
Nanny Feedback,
September 2022
"Most definitley recommend this Workshop to other Nannies. It was fabulous!"
Nanny Feedback,
September 2022
“A little longer next time!”
Upcoming Nanny EventsÂ
Previous Nanny EventsÂ
Our Nanny Events shall be returning in 2024
Nanny Socials
Nanny Netwalks
Nanny Play Cafe's

Date: TBC
Timings: TBC
Location: TBC
Nanny Social
Nannies & Childcare Professionals Only
(including but not limited to childminders, nursery practitioners, sleep consultants, maternity nurses, doulas, LSA's, TA's)
Surrey Nanny Netwalking
Date: TBC

Over at Little Steps Nanny and Events Agency, our Event Nannies often meet up for pre-arranged socials, walks, coffees and a chance to network.
This year, we have decided to open this up to local Nannies, to have the opportunity to network with each other and their charges. We know how important fresh air and socialisation is for adults and children.
Date: TBC
Timings: TBC
Location: TBC
Tickets are free, although you will need to click the link below to 'purchase'
Share with your Nanny friends. Children and dogs are welcome on this walk too.
Nannies only please.

Nanny Workshop - Practical Essentials Saturday 1st April 2023

Nanny Workshop - Back To Basics September 2022

Well this is very exciting!
I'm pleased to finally be able to share this with you .
Chelsea (The Nanny Agent) and myself have collaborated on this idea together, to bring you the 'Nanny Workshop - Back To Basics' morning.
So, what exactly is it I hear you asking. Take a look below and see what will be covered:​
Networking With Fellow Nannies
CV Tips & Tricks
Learning Through Play
Practical Activities
Discussions; Bottle Preparation & Safer Sleep.
Net VS Gross with NannyTax
Nanny Agencies & The Benefits
Social Media
Attendance Certificate
Teas & Coffee's
Notes To Take Away With You
The details are all in the flyer above, including timings & location (UK).
This will have some formal elements to the day, although there will be hands on, practical elements too.
P.S. Don't worry, we won't make you do the 'stand up and talk about yourself' … Thats not our cup of tea, or coffee!
Via purchasing a ticket, you are happy and consent for your data to be shared with both The Nanny Agent and Little Steps Nanny and Events Agency.